ON NOVEMBER 21, 1964
1. The Catholic
Church holds in high esteem the institutions, liturgical rites, ecclesiastical
traditions and the established standards of the Christian life of the Eastern
Churches, for in them, distinguished as they are for their venerable antiquity,
there remains conspicuous the tradition that has been handed down from the
Apostles through the Fathers (1) and that forms part of the divinely revealed
and undivided heritage of the universal Church. This Sacred Ecumenical Council,
therefore, in its care for the Eastern Churches which bear living witness to
this tradition, in order that they may flourish and with new apostolic vigor
execute the task entrusted to them, has determined to lay down a number of
principles, in addition to those which refer to the universal Church; all else
is remitted to the care of the Eastern synods and of the Holy See.
2. The Holy
Catholic Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ, is made up of the
faithful who are organically united in the Holy Spirit by the same faith, the
same sacraments and the same government and who, combining together into various
groups which are held together by a hierarchy, form separate Churches or Rites.
Between these there exists an admirable bond of union, such that the variety
within the Church in no way harms its unity; rather it manifests it, for it is
the mind of the Catholic Church that each individual Church or Rite should
retain its traditions whole and entire and likewise that it should adapt its way
of life to the different needs of time and place.(2)
3. These
individual Churches, whether of the East or the West, although they differ
somewhat among themselves in rite (to use the current phrase), that is, in
liturgy, ecclesiastical discipline, and spiritual heritage, are, nevertheless,
each as much as the others, entrusted to the pastoral government of the Roman
Pontiff, the divinely appointed successor of St. Peter in primacy over the
universal Church. They are consequently of equal dignity, so that none of them
is superior to the others as regards rite and they enjoy the same rights and are
under the same obligations, also in respect of preaching the Gospel to the whole
world (cf. Mark 16, 15) under the guidance of the Roman Pontiff.
4. Means should be
taken therefore in every part of the world for the protection and advancement of
all the individual Churches and, to this end, there should be established
parishes and a special hierarchy where the spiritual good of the faithful
demands it. The hierarchs of the different individual Churches with jurisdiction
in one and the same territory should, by taking common counsel in regular
meetings, strive to promote unity of action and with common endeavor to sustain
common tasks, so as better to further the good of religion and to safeguard more
effectively the ordered way of life of the clergy.(3)
All clerics and
those aspiring to sacred Orders should be instructed in the rites and especially
in the practical norms that must be applied in interritual questions. The laity,
too, should be taught as part of its catechetical education about rites and
their rules.
Finally, each and
every Catholic, as also the baptized of every non-Catholic church or
denomination who enters into the fullness of the Catholic communion, must retain
his own rite wherever he is, must cherish it and observe it to the best of his
ability (4), without prejudice to the right in special cases of persons.
communities or areas, of recourse to the Apostolic See, which, as the supreme
judge of interchurch relations, will, acting itself or through other authorities,
meet the needs of the occasion in an ecumenical spirit, by the issuance of
opportune directives, decrees or rescripts.
5. History,
tradition and abundant ecclesiastical institutions bear outstanding witness to
the great merit owing to the Eastern Churches by the universal Church.(5) The
Sacred Council, therefore, not only accords to this ecclesiastical and spiritual
heritage the high regard which is its due and rightful praise, but also
unhesitatingly looks on it as the heritage of the universal Church. For this
reason it solemnly declares that the Churches of the East, as much as those of
the West, have a full right and are in duty bound to rule themselves, each in
accordance with its own established disciplines, since all these are
praiseworthy by reason of their venerable antiquity, more harmonious with the
character of their faithful and more suited to the promotion of the good of
6. All members of
the Eastern Rite should know and be convinced that they can and should always
preserve their legitimate liturgical rite and their established way of life, and
that these may not be altered except to obtain for themselves an organic
improvement. All these, then, must be observed by the members of the Eastern
rites themselves. Besides, they should attain to on ever greater knowledge and a
more exact use of them, and, if in their regard they have fallen short owing to
contingencies of times and persons, they should take steps to return to their
ancestral traditions.
Those who, by
reason of their office or apostolic ministries, are in frequent communication
with the Eastern Churches or their faithful should be instructed according as
their office demands in the knowledge and veneration of the rites, discipline,
doctrine, history and character of the members of the Eastern rites.(6) To
enhance the efficacy of their apostolate, Religious and associations of the
Latin Rite working in Eastern countries or among Eastern faithful are earnestly
counseled to found houses or even provinces of the Eastern rite, as far as this
can be done.(7)
7. The
patriarchate, as an institution, has existed in the Church from the earliest
times and was recognized by the first ecumenical councils.(8)
By the name
Eastern patriarch, is meant the bishop to whom belongs jurisdiction over all
bishops, not excepting metropolitans clergy and people of his own territory or
rite, in accordance with canon law and without prejudice to the primacy of the
Roman Pontiff.(9)
Wherever an
hierarch of any rite is appointed outside the territorial bounds of the
patriarchate, he remains attached to the hierarchy of the patriarchate of that
rite, in accordance with canon law.
8. Though some of
the patriarchates of the Eastern Churches are of earlier and some of later date,
nonetheless all are equal in respect of patriarchal dignity, without however
prejudice to the legitimately established precedence of honor.(10)
9. By the most
ancient tradition of the Church the patriarchs of the Eastern Churches are to be
accorded special honor, seeing that each is set over his patriarchate as father
and head.
This Sacred
Council, therefore, determines that their rights and privileges should be
re-established in accordance with the ancient tradition of each of the Churches
and the decrees of the ecumenical councils.(11)
The rights and
privileges in question are those that obtained in the time of union between East
and West; though they should be adapted somewhat to modern conditions.
The patriarchs
with their synods are the highest authority for all business of the patriarchate,
including the right of establishing new eparchies and of nominating bishops of
their rite within the territorial bounds of the patriarchate, without prejudice
to the inalienable right of the Roman Pontiff to intervene in individual cases.
10. What has been
said of patriarchs is valid also, in harmony with the canon law, in respect to
major archbishops, who rule the whole of some individual church or rite.(12)
11. Seeing that
the patriarchal office in the Eastern Church is a traditional form of government,
the Sacred Ecumenical Council ardently desires that new patriarchates should be
erected where there is need, to be established either by an ecumenical council
or by the Roman Pontiff.(13)
12. The Sacred
Ecumenical Council confirms and approves the ancient discipline of the
sacraments existing in the Oriental Churches, as also the ritual practices
connected with their celebration and administration and ardently desires that
this should be re-established if circumstances warrant it.
13. The
established practice in respect of the minister of Confirmation that has
obtained from most early times in the Eastern Church should be fully restored.
Therefore, priests validly confer this sacrament, using chrism blessed by a
patriarch or a bishop.(14)
14. All Eastern
Rite priests, either in conjunction with Baptism or separately from it, can
confer this sacrament validly on all the faithful of any rite including the
Latin; licitly, however, only if the regulations both of the common and the
particular law are observed.(15) Priests, also, of Latin Rite, in accordance
with the faculties they enjoy in respect of the administration of this sacrament,
validly administer it also to the faithful of Eastern Churches; without
prejudice to the rite, observing in regard to licitness the regulations both of
the common and of the particular law.(16)
15. The faithful
are bound to take part on Sundays and feast days in the Divine Liturgy or,
according to the regulations or custom of their own rite, in the celebration of
the Divine Office.(17) That the faithful may be able more easily to fulfill
their obligation, it is laid down that the period of time within which the
precept should be observed extends from the Vespers of the vigil to the end of
the Sunday or the feast day.(18) The faithful are earnestly exhorted to receive
Holy Communion on these days, and indeed more frequently-yes, even daily.(19)
16. Owing to the
fact that the faithful of the different individual churches dwell intermingled
with each other in the same area or Eastern territory, the faculties for hearing
confessions duly and without restriction given to priests of any rite by their
own hierarchs extend to the whole territory of him who grants them and also to
the places and faithful of any other rite in the same territory, unless the
hierarch of the place has expressly excluded this for places of his rite.(20)
17. In order that
the ancient established practice of the Sacrament of Orders in the Eastern
Churches may flourish again, this Sacred Council ardently desires that the
office of the permanent diaconate should, where it has fallen into disuse, be
restored.(21) The legislative authorities of each individual church should
decide about the subdiaconate and the minor orders and the rights and
obligations that attach to them.(22)
18. To obviate
invalid marriages when Eastern Catholics marry baptized Eastern non-Catholics
and in order to promote fidelity in and the sanctity of marriage, as well as
peace within the family, the Sacred Council determines that the canonical "form"
for the celebration of these marriages is of obligation only for liceity; for
their validity the presence of a sacred minister is sufficient, provided that
other prescriptions of law are observed.(23)
19. It belongs
only to an ecumenical council or to the Apostolic See to determine, transfer or
suppress feast days common to all the Eastern Churches. On the other hand, to
determine, transfer or suppress the feast days of any of the individual churches
is within the competence not only of the Apostolic See but also of the
patriarchal or archiepiscopal synod, due regard being had to the whole area and
the other individual churches.(24)
20. Until such
time as all Christians are agreed on a fixed day for the celebration of Easter,
with a view meantime to promoting unity among the Christians of the same area or
nation, it is left to the patriarchs or supreme authorities of a place to come
to an agreement by the unanimous consent and combined counsel of those affected
to celebrate the feast of Easter on the same Sunday.(25)
21. Individual
faithful dwelling outside the area or territory of their own rite may follow
completely the established custom of the place where they live as regards the
law of the sacred seasons. In families of mixed rite it is permissible to
observe this law according to one and the same rite.(26)
22. Eastern
clerics and Religious should celebrate in accordance with the prescriptions and
traditions of their own established custom the Divine Office, which from ancient
times has been held in high honor in all Eastern Churches.(27) The faithful too
should follow the example of their forebears and assist devoutly as occasion
allows at the Divine Office.
23. It belongs to
the patriarch with his synod, or to the supreme authority of each church with
the council of the hierarchs, to regulate the use of languages in the sacred
liturgical functions and, after reference to the Apostolic See, of approving
translations of texts into the vernacular.(28)
24. The Eastern
Churches in communion with the Apostolic See of Rome have a special duty of
promoting the unity of all Christians, especially Eastern Christians, in
accordance with the principles of the decree, "About Ecumenism," of this Sacred
Council, by prayer in the first place, and by the example of their lives, by
religious fidelity to the ancient Eastern traditions, by a greater knowledge of
each other, by collaboration and a brotherly regard for objects and feelings.(29)
25. If any
separated Eastern Christian should, under the guidance of the grace of the Holy
Spirit, join himself to the unity of Catholics, no more should be required of
him than what a bare profession of the Catholic faith demands. Eastern clerics,
seeing that a valid priesthood is preserved among them, are permitted to
exercise the Orders they possess on joining the unity of the Catholic Church, in
accordance with the regulations established by the competent authority.(30)
26. Common
participation in worship (communicatio in sacris) which harms the unity of the
Church or involves formal acceptance of error or the danger of aberration in the
faith, of scandal and indifferentism, is forbidden by divine law.(32) On the
other hand, pastoral experience shows clearly that, as regards our Eastern
brethren, there should be taken into consideration the different cases of
individuals, where neither the unity of the Church is hurt nor are verified the
dangers that must be avoided, but where the needs of the salvation of souls and
their spiritual good are impelling motives. For that reason the Catholic Church
has always adopted and now adopts rather a mild policy, offering to all the
means of salvation and an example of charity among Christians, through
participation in the sacraments and in other sacred functions and things. With
this in mind, "lest because of the harshness of our judgment we be an obstacle
to those seeking salvation" (31) and in order more and more to promote union
with the Eastern Churches separated from us, the Sacred Council lays down the
following policy.
27. Without
prejudice to the principles noted earlier, Eastern Christians who are in fact
separated in good faith from the Catholic Church, if they ask of their own
accord and have the right dispositions, may be admitted to the sacraments of
Penance, the Eucharist and the Anointing of the Sick. Further, Catholics may ask
for these same sacraments from those non-Catholic ministers whose churches
possess valid sacraments, as often as necessity or a genuine spiritual benefit
recommends such a course and access to a Catholic priest is physically or
morally impossible.(33)
28. Further, given
the same principles, common participation by Catholics with their Eastern
separated brethren in sacred functions, things and places is allowed for a just
29. This
conciliatory policy with regard to "communicatio in sacris" (participation in
things sacred) with the brethren of the separated Eastern Churches is put into
the care and control of the local hierarchs, in order that, by combined counsel
among themselves and, if need be, after consultation also with the hierarchs of
the separated churches, they may by timely and effective regulations and norms
direct the relations among Christians.
30. The Sacred
Council feels great joy in the fruitful zealous collaboration of the Eastern and
the Western Catholic Churches and at the same time declares: All these
directives of law are laid down in view of the present situation till such time
as the Catholic Church and the separated Eastern Churches come together into
complete unity.
Meanwhile, however,
all Christians, Eastern as well as Western, are earnestly asked to pray to God
fervently and assiduously, nay, indeed daily, that, with the aid of the most
holy Mother of God, all may become one. Let them pray also that the strength and
the consolation of the Holy Spirit may descend copiously upon all those many
Christians of whatsoever church they be who endure suffering and deprivations
for their unwavering avowal of the name of Christ.
"Love one another
with fraternal charity, anticipating one another with honor". (Rom.12,10.)
Each and all these
matters which are set forth in this decree have been favorably voted on by the
Fathers of the Council. And we, by the apostolic authority given us by Christ
and in union with the Fathers, approve, decree and establish them in the Holy
Spirit and command that they be promulgated for the glory of God.
Given in
Rome at St. Peter's, November 21, 1964
(1) Leo XIII, Litt.
Ap. Orientalium dignitas, 30 nov. 1894, in Leonis XIII Acta, vol. XIV, pp.
(2) S. Leo IX,
Litt. In terra pax, an. 1053: Ut enim; Innocentius III, Synodus Lateranensis IV,
an. 1215, cap. IV: . Licet Graccos; Litt. Inter quatuor, 2 aug. 1206: Postulasti
postmodum; Innocentius IV, Ep. Cum de cetero, 27 aug. 1247; Ep. Sub catholicae,
6 mart. 1254, proem.; Nicolaus III, Instructio Istud est memoriale, 9 oct. 1278;
Leo X, Litt. Ap. Accepimus nuper, 18 maii 1521; Paulus III, Litt. Ap. Dudum, 23
dec. 1534; Pius IV, Const. Romanus Pontifex, 16 febr. 1564, 5; Clemens VIII,
Const. Magnus Dominus, 23 dec. 1595, 10; Paulus V, Const. Solet circumspeata, 10
dec. 1615, 3; Benedictus XIV, Ep. Enc. Demandatam, 24 dec. 1743, 3; Ep. Enc.
Allatae sunt, 26 iun. 1755, 3, 6-19, 32; Pius VI, Litt. Enc. Catholicae
communionis, 24 maii 1787; Pius IX, Litt. In suprema, 6 ian. 1848, 3; Litt. Ap.
Ecclesiam Christ;, 26 nov. 1853; Const. Romani Pontificis, 6 ian. 1862; Leo XIII,
Litt. Ap. Praeclara, 20 iun. 1894, n. 7; Litt. Ap. Orientalium dignitas, 30 nov.
1894, proem.; etc.
(3) Pius XII, Motu
proprio Cleri sanctitati, 2 iun. 1957, can. 4.
(4) Pius XII, Motu
proprio Cleri sanctitati, 2 iun. 1957, can. 8: sine licentia Sedis Apostolicae,
sequendo praxim saeculorum praecedentium; item quoad baptizatos acatholicos in
can. 11 habetur: ritum quem maluerint am plecti possunt; in textu proposito
disponitur modo positivo observantia ritus pro omnibus et ubique terrarum.
(5) Cfr. Leo XIII,
Litt. Ap. Orientalium dignitas, 30 nov. 1894; Ep. Ap. Praeclara gratulationis,
20 iun. 1894, et documenta in nota 2 allata.
(6) Cfr.
Benedictus XV, Motu proprio Orientis catholici, 15 oct. 1917, Pius XI, Litt.
Enc. Rerum orientalium, 8 sept. 1928, etc.
(7) Praxis
Ecclesiae catholicae temporibus Pii XI, Pii XII, Ioannis XXIII motum hunc abunde
(8) Cfr. Synodum
Nicaenam I, can. 6; Constantinopolitanam I, can. 2 et 3; Chalcedonensem, can.
28; can. 9; Constantinopolitanam IV can. 17; can. 21; Lateranensem IV can. 5;
can. 30; Florentinam, Decr. pro. Graecis; etc.
(9) Gfr. Synodum
Nicaenam I, can. 6, Constantinopolitanam I, can. 3; Constantinopolitanam IV,
can. 17, Pius XII, Motu proprio Cleri sanctitati, can. 216; 2, 1 .
(10) In Synodis
Oecumenicis: Nicaena I, can. 6; Constantinopolitana I, can. 3;
Constantinopolitana IV, can. 21; Lateranensi IV, can. 5; Florentina, decr. pro
Graecis, 6 iul. 1439, 9. Cfr. Pius XII, Motu proprio Cleri sanctitati, 2 iun.
1957, can. 219, etc.
(11) Cfr. supra,
nota 8.
(12) Cfr. Synodum
Ephesinam, can. 8; Clemens VII, Decet Romanum Pontificem, 23 febr. 1596; Pius
VII, Litt. Ap. In universalis Ecclesiae, 22 febr. 1807; Pius XII Motu proprio
Cleri sanctitati, 2 iun. 1957, can. 324-327; Syn. Carthaginen., an. 419, can.
(13) Syn.
Carthaginen., an. 419, can. 17 et 57; Chalcedonensis, an. 451, can. 12; S.
Innocentius I, Litt. Et onus et honor, a. c. 415: Nam quid sciscitaris; S.
Nicolaus I, Litt. Ad consulta vestra, 13 nov. 866: A quo autem; Innocentius III,
Litt. Rex regum, 25 feb 1204; Leo XII, Const. Ap. Petrus Apostolorum Princeps,
15 aug 1824; Leo XIII, Litt. Ap. Christi Domini, an. 1895; Pius XII, Motu
proprio Cleri sanctitati, 2 iun 1957, can. 159.
(14) Cfr.
Innocentius IV, Ep Sub catholicae, 6 mart. 1264; 3, n. 4; Syn. Lugdunensis II,
an. 1274 (professio fidei Michaelis Palaeologi Gregorio X oblata); Eugenius IV,
in Syn. Florentina, Const. Exsultate Deo, 22 nov. 1439, 11; Clemens VIII, Instr.
Sanctissimus, 31 aug. 1595; Benedictus XIV. Const. Etsi pastoralis, 26 maii
1742, II, n. 1, III, n. 1, etc.; Synodus Laodicena, an. 347/381, can. 48; Syn.
Sisen. Armenorum, an. 1342; Synodus Libanen. Maronitarum, an. 1736, P. II, Cap.
III n. 2, et aliae Synodi particulares.
(15) Cfr. S.C.S.
Officii, Instr. (ad Ep. Scepusien.), an. 1783; S.C. de Prop. Fide (pro Coptis),
15 mart. 1790, n. XIII; Decr. 6 oct. 1863, C, a; S.C. pro Eccl. Orient. 1 maii
1948; S.C.S. Officii, resp. 22 apr. 1896 cum litt. 19 maii 1896.
(16) CIC, can.
782, 4; S.C. pra Eccl. Orient., Decretum . de Sacramento Confirmationis
administrando etiam fidelibus orientalibus a presbyteris latini ritus, qui hoc
indulto gaudeant pro fidelibus sui ritus, 1 maii 1948.
(17) Cfr. Syn.
Laodicen., an. 347/381, can. 29; S. Nicephorus CP., cap. 14; Syn. Duinen.
Armenorum, an. 719, can. 31; S. Theodorus Studita, sermo 21; S. Nicolaus I,
Litt. Ad consulta vestra, 13 nov. 866: In quorum Apostolorum; Nos cupitis; Quod
interrogatis; Praeterea consulitis; Si die Dominico; et Synodi particulares.
(18) Novum quid,
saltem ubi viget obligatio audiendi S. Liturgiam; ceterum cohaeret diei
liturgicae apud Orientales.
(19) Cfr. Canones
Apostolorum, 8 et 9; Syn. Antiochena, an. 341, can. 2; Timotheus Alexandrinus,
interrogat. 3; Innocentius III, Const. Quia divinae, 4 ian. 1215; et plurimae
Synodi particulares Ecclesiarum Orientalium recentiores.
(20) Salva
territorialitate iurisdictionis, canon providere intendit, in bonum animarum,
pluralitati iurisdictionis in eodem territorio.
(21) Cfr. Syn.
Nicaena I, can. 18; Syn. Neocaesarien., an. 314/ 325, can. 12; Syn. Sardicen.,
an. 343, can. 8; S. Leo M., Litt. Omnium quidem, 13 ian. 444; Syn. Chalcedonen.,
can. 6; Syn. Constantinopolitana IV, can. 23, 26; etc.
(22) Subdiaconatus
consideratur apud Ecclesias Orientales plures Ordo minor, sed Motu proprio Pii
XII, Cleri sanctitati, ei praescribuntur obligationes Ordinum maiorum. Canon
proponit ut redeatur ad disciplinam antiquam singularum Ecclesiarum quoad
obligationes subdiaconorum, in derogationem iuris communis Cleri sanctitati.
(23) Cfr. Pius XII,
Motu proprio Crebrae allatae, 22 febr. 1949, can. 32, 2, n. 5 (facultas
patriarcharum dispensandi a forma); Pius XII, Motu proprio Cleri sanctitati, 2
iun. 1957, can. 267 (facultas patriarcharum sanandi in radice); S.C.S. Offici et
S.C. pro Eccl. Orient., an. 1957 concedunt facultatem dispensandi a forma et
sanandi ob defectum formae (ad quinquennium): extra patriarchatus, Metropolitis,
ceterisque Ordinariis locorum... qui nullum habent Superiorem infra Sanctam
(24) Cfr. S. Leo
M., Litt. Quod saepissime, 15 apr. 454: Petitionem autem; S. Nicephorus CP.,
cap. 13; Syn. Sergii Patriarchae 18 sept. 1596; can. 17; Pius VI Litt. Ap.
Assueto paterne, 8 apr. 1775; etc.
(25) Cfr. Syn.
Vaticana II Const. De Sacra Liturgia, 4 dec. 1963.
(26) Cfr. Clemens
VIII, Instr. Sanctissimus, 31 aug. 1595, 6: Si ipsi graeci; S.C.S. Officii, 7
iun. 1673, ad 1 et 3; 13 mart. 1727, ad 1; S.C. de Prop. Fide, Decret. 18 aug.
1913, art. 33; Decret. 14 aug. 1914, art. 27; Decret. 27 mart. 1916, art. 14;
S.C. pro Eccl. Orient., Decret. 1 mart. 1929, art. 36; Decret. 4 maii 1930 art.
(27) Cfr. Syn.
Laodicen., 347/381, can. 18; Syn. Mar Issaci Chaldaeorum, an. 410, can. 15; S.
Nerses Glaien. Armenorum, an. 1166; Innocentius IV Ep. Sub catholicae, 6 mart.
1254, 8; Benedictus XIV, Const. Etsi pastoralis 26 maii 1742, 7, n. 5; Inst. Eo
quamvis tempore, 4 maii 1745 42 ss.; et Synodi particulares recentiores:Armenorum
(1911) Coptorum (1898), Maronitarurn (1736), Rumenorum (1872), Ruthenorum
(1891), Syrorum (1888).
(28) Ex traditione
(29) Ex tenore
Bullarum unionis singularum Ecclesiarum orientalium catholicarum.
(30) Obligatio
synodalis quoad fratres seiunctos orientales et quoad omnes Ordines cuiuscumque
gradus tum iuris divini tum ecclesiastici.
(31) Haec doctrina
valet etiam in Ecclesiis seiunctis.
(32) S. Basilius
M., Epistula canonica ad Amphilochium, PG. 32, 669 B.
(33) Fundamentum
mitigationisconsideratur: 1) validitas sacramentorum; 2) bona fides et
dispositio; 3) necessitas salutis aeternae; 4) absentia sacerdotis proprii; 5)
exclusio periculorum vitandorum et formalis adhaesionis errori.
(34) Agitur de s.
d. communicatione in sacris extrasacramentali, Concilium est quod mitigationem
concedit, servatis servandis. |